If you’ve been looking through our website, you’ll see that this Alexandra Hills project completed for Superior Constructions was one of our all-time favourites! This floor was completed in August 2016.



Working with an old, existing concrete slab that’s covered in tiles is always a tedious process and there are no guarantees what condition the slab will be in underneath. We started this floor as a light/minimum stone exposure grind and mechanical polish. However soon after starting the grind, it was clear that the minimum grind would not be sufficient enough to remove the tile-grid pattern that was stained into the concrete.
The main hurdle we faced was that even after upgrading to a heavier exposure level and grind, the tile-grid lines were still visible. So instead of using our usual Husqvarna Premium Enhance penetrating sealer, we opted for a CCS Stainblock Natural Sealer, which stopped the enhancing of the tile-lines.
One of the most unique parts of this project is the timber pieces that were inserted into the slab as a creative way of covering up the chases that were cut in the kitchen floor to run the power and water services into the island bench. They tie the whole project in so well, with timber making an appearance in every room of the house.

The clients proceeded with a matte finish on the floor, not only to keep costs down, but also because they have a lot of natural light and hanging lights throughout the home. Therefore, the matte finish minimised the reflection on the floor.

The project was 100m2 and was in the $10,000-$15,000 price bracket.

Call us now to book an appointment in our showroom and discuss your next polished concrete project! – 1300 OZGRIND