Concrete Grinding & Surface Prep
Concrete grinding can be used to:
Prepare a floor surface for polishing, staining or resurfacing
Create a level flooring surface
Repair rain damaged concrete
Remove floor coatings and old flooring surfaces
Lower speed hump heights
Remove glue from old carpet or tiles
OzGrind have many years’ experience in these types of services and can offer friendly and professional advice to builders, project managers and home owners throughout the course of the job. We understand that most concrete polishing and concrete grinding jobs in the Sunshine / Gold Coast and Brisbane areas are major undertakings, which is why we advise talking with our team prior to commencing large-scale work. Our team is happy to talk with you about the dimensions, time restraints and financial concerns relating to your job, as this will ensure the very best outcome for both client and provider.
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Opening Hours
9am - 4pm Monday - Friday